IoT sensors, especially video cameras, are ubiquitously deployed around the world to perform a variety of computer vision tasks in several verticals including retail, healthcare, safety and security, transportation, manufacturing, etc. To amortize their high deployment effort and cost, it is desirable to perform multiple video analytics tasks, which we refer to as Analytical Units (AUs), off the video feed coming out of every camera. In this paper, we first show that in a multi-AU setting, changing the camera setting has disproportionate impact on different AUs performance. In particular, the optimal setting for one AU may severely degrade the performance for another AU, and further the impact on different AUs varies as the environmental condition changes. We then present Elixir, a system to enhance the video stream quality for multiple analytics on a video stream. Elixir leverages Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning (MORL), where the RL agent caters to the objectives from different AUs and adjusts the camera setting to simultaneously enhance the performance of all AUs. To define the multiple objectives in MORL, we develop new AU-specific quality estimator values for each individual AU. We evaluate Elixir through real-world experiments on a testbed with three cameras deployed next to each other (overlooking a large enterprise parking lot) running Elixir and two baseline approaches, respectively. Elixir correctly detects 7.1% (22,068) and 5.0% (15,731) more cars, 94% (551) and 72% (478) more faces, and 670.4% (4975) and 158.6% (3507) more persons than the default-setting and time-sharing approaches, respectively. It also detects 115 license plates, far more than the time-sharing approach (7) and the default setting (0).
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将视频视为一系列图像(框架),并重新使用Deep Neur网络模型,这是一种常见的做法,这些模型仅在视频上的图像上接受图像进行培训。在本文中,我们表明,这种信念的飞跃是,在图像上运作良好的深度学习模型也将在视频上效果很好。我们表明,即使摄像机正在查看没有以任何可察觉的方式变化的场景,并且我们控制了视频压缩和环境(照明)等外部因素,视频分析应用程序的准确性也会显着波动。发生这些波动是因为摄像机产生的连续帧可能在视觉上看起来相似,但是视频分析应用程序对这些帧的看法却大不相同。我们观察到这些波动的根本原因是摄像机自动进行的动态摄像头参数更改,以捕获和生成视觉上令人愉悦的视频。摄像机无意间充当无意的对手,因为如我们所示,连续帧中图像像素值的这些微小变化对从视频分析任务中重新使用图像训练的深度学习模型的见解的准确性产生了显着不利影响。为了从相机中解决这种无意的对抗效应,我们探讨了转移学习技术通过从图像分析任务中学习的知识转移来改善视频分析任务中的学习。特别是,我们表明,我们新训练的Yolov5模型在跨帧的对象检测中减少了波动,从而可以更好地跟踪对象(跟踪中的错误少40%)。我们的论文还提供了新的方向和技术,以减轻相机对用于视频分析应用程序的深度学习模型的对抗性影响。
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视频分析系统批判性地依赖于摄像机,捕获高质量的视频帧,以实现高分辨率的精度。虽然现代视频摄像机经常暴露数十个可配置的参数设置,但是可以通过最终用户设置的,但今天监控摄像机的部署通常使用固定的一组参数设置,因为最终用户缺少能够重新配置这些参数的技能或理解。在本文中,我们首先表明,在典型的监视摄像机部署中,环境条件变化可能会显着影响人员检测,面部检测和面部识别等分析单元的准确性,以及如何通过动态调整相机设置来减轻这种不利影响。然后我们提出了Camtuner,这是一个可以轻松应用于现有视频分析管道(VAP)的框架,以实现复杂相机设置的自动和动态调整,以改变环境条件,并自主优化VAP中分析单元(AU)的准确性。 Camtuner基于Sarsa加固学习(RL),它包含两种新型组件:轻量级分析质量估算器和虚拟相机。 Camtuner在一个具有轴监控摄像头的系统中实现,几个VAP(具有各种AUS),在机场入口处加工了日常客户视频。我们的评估表明Camtuner可以快速适应更改环境。我们将Camtuner与使用静态相机设置的两种替代方法进行比较,或者每小时手动更改摄像机设置的草兵方法(基于人类对质量)。我们观察到,对于面部检测和人检测AU,与两种方法中最好的相比,Camtuner分别可以获得高达13.8%和9.2%的更高的准确性(两个AUS的8%的平均提高)。
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The success of neural networks builds to a large extent on their ability to create internal knowledge representations from real-world high-dimensional data, such as images, sound, or text. Approaches to extract and present these representations, in order to explain the neural network's decisions, is an active and multifaceted research field. To gain a deeper understanding of a central aspect of this field, we have performed a targeted review focusing on research that aims to associate internal representations with human understandable concepts. In doing this, we added a perspective on the existing research by using primarily deductive nomological explanations as a proposed taxonomy. We find this taxonomy and theories of causality, useful for understanding what can be expected, and not expected, from neural network explanations. The analysis additionally uncovers an ambiguity in the reviewed literature related to the goal of model explainability; is it understanding the ML model or, is it actionable explanations useful in the deployment domain?
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Many problems in machine learning involve bilevel optimization (BLO), including hyperparameter optimization, meta-learning, and dataset distillation. Bilevel problems consist of two nested sub-problems, called the outer and inner problems, respectively. In practice, often at least one of these sub-problems is overparameterized. In this case, there are many ways to choose among optima that achieve equivalent objective values. Inspired by recent studies of the implicit bias induced by optimization algorithms in single-level optimization, we investigate the implicit bias of gradient-based algorithms for bilevel optimization. We delineate two standard BLO methods -- cold-start and warm-start -- and show that the converged solution or long-run behavior depends to a large degree on these and other algorithmic choices, such as the hypergradient approximation. We also show that the inner solutions obtained by warm-start BLO can encode a surprising amount of information about the outer objective, even when the outer parameters are low-dimensional. We believe that implicit bias deserves as central a role in the study of bilevel optimization as it has attained in the study of single-level neural net optimization.
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An expansion of aberrant brain cells is referred to as a brain tumor. The brain's architecture is extremely intricate, with several regions controlling various nervous system processes. Any portion of the brain or skull can develop a brain tumor, including the brain's protective coating, the base of the skull, the brainstem, the sinuses, the nasal cavity, and many other places. Over the past ten years, numerous developments in the field of computer-aided brain tumor diagnosis have been made. Recently, instance segmentation has attracted a lot of interest in numerous computer vision applications. It seeks to assign various IDs to various scene objects, even if they are members of the same class. Typically, a two-stage pipeline is used to perform instance segmentation. This study shows brain cancer segmentation using YOLOv5. Yolo takes dataset as picture format and corresponding text file. You Only Look Once (YOLO) is a viral and widely used algorithm. YOLO is famous for its object recognition properties. You Only Look Once (YOLO) is a popular algorithm that has gone viral. YOLO is well known for its ability to identify objects. YOLO V2, V3, V4, and V5 are some of the YOLO latest versions that experts have published in recent years. Early brain tumor detection is one of the most important jobs that neurologists and radiologists have. However, it can be difficult and error-prone to manually identify and segment brain tumors from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data. For making an early diagnosis of the condition, an automated brain tumor detection system is necessary. The model of the research paper has three classes. They are respectively Meningioma, Pituitary, Glioma. The results show that, our model achieves competitive accuracy, in terms of runtime usage of M2 10 core GPU.
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Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive capabilities in natural language understanding and generation, but the quality bar for medical and clinical applications is high. Today, attempts to assess models' clinical knowledge typically rely on automated evaluations on limited benchmarks. There is no standard to evaluate model predictions and reasoning across a breadth of tasks. To address this, we present MultiMedQA, a benchmark combining six existing open question answering datasets spanning professional medical exams, research, and consumer queries; and HealthSearchQA, a new free-response dataset of medical questions searched online. We propose a framework for human evaluation of model answers along multiple axes including factuality, precision, possible harm, and bias. In addition, we evaluate PaLM (a 540-billion parameter LLM) and its instruction-tuned variant, Flan-PaLM, on MultiMedQA. Using a combination of prompting strategies, Flan-PaLM achieves state-of-the-art accuracy on every MultiMedQA multiple-choice dataset (MedQA, MedMCQA, PubMedQA, MMLU clinical topics), including 67.6% accuracy on MedQA (US Medical License Exam questions), surpassing prior state-of-the-art by over 17%. However, human evaluation reveals key gaps in Flan-PaLM responses. To resolve this we introduce instruction prompt tuning, a parameter-efficient approach for aligning LLMs to new domains using a few exemplars. The resulting model, Med-PaLM, performs encouragingly, but remains inferior to clinicians. We show that comprehension, recall of knowledge, and medical reasoning improve with model scale and instruction prompt tuning, suggesting the potential utility of LLMs in medicine. Our human evaluations reveal important limitations of today's models, reinforcing the importance of both evaluation frameworks and method development in creating safe, helpful LLM models for clinical applications.
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Migraine is a high-prevalence and disabling neurological disorder. However, information migraine management in real-world settings could be limited to traditional health information sources. In this paper, we (i) verify that there is substantial migraine-related chatter available on social media (Twitter and Reddit), self-reported by migraine sufferers; (ii) develop a platform-independent text classification system for automatically detecting self-reported migraine-related posts, and (iii) conduct analyses of the self-reported posts to assess the utility of social media for studying this problem. We manually annotated 5750 Twitter posts and 302 Reddit posts. Our system achieved an F1 score of 0.90 on Twitter and 0.93 on Reddit. Analysis of information posted by our 'migraine cohort' revealed the presence of a plethora of relevant information about migraine therapies and patient sentiments associated with them. Our study forms the foundation for conducting an in-depth analysis of migraine-related information using social media data.
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Human linguistic capacity is often characterized by compositionality and the generalization it enables -- human learners can produce and comprehend novel complex expressions by composing known parts. Several benchmarks exploit distributional control across training and test to gauge compositional generalization, where certain lexical items only occur in limited contexts during training. While recent work using these benchmarks suggests that pretrained models achieve impressive generalization performance, we argue that exposure to pretraining data may break the aforementioned distributional control. Using the COGS benchmark of Kim and Linzen (2020), we test two modified evaluation setups that control for this issue: (1) substituting context-controlled lexical items with novel character sequences, and (2) substituting them with special tokens represented by novel embeddings. We find that both of these setups lead to lower generalization performance in T5 (Raffel et al., 2020), suggesting that previously reported results have been overestimated due to uncontrolled lexical exposure during pretraining. The performance degradation is more extreme with novel embeddings, and the degradation increases with the amount of pretraining data, highlighting an interesting case of inverse scaling.
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Machine learning model development and optimisation can be a rather cumbersome and resource-intensive process. Custom models are often more difficult to build and deploy, and they require infrastructure and expertise which are often costly to acquire and maintain. Machine learning product development lifecycle must take into account the need to navigate the difficulties of developing and deploying machine learning models. evoML is an AI-powered tool that provides automated functionalities in machine learning model development, optimisation, and model code optimisation. Core functionalities of evoML include data cleaning, exploratory analysis, feature analysis and generation, model optimisation, model evaluation, model code optimisation, and model deployment. Additionally, a key feature of evoML is that it embeds code and model optimisation into the model development process, and includes multi-objective optimisation capabilities.
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